Breastfeeding While Pregnant

If you have found yourself here you may have some questions regarding nursing a child while pregnant. I had your same questions when I found out that I was pregnant while nursing my 1.5 year old. I nursed him for approximately 4 months while pregnant before he self weaned. So let’s dive deep into your burning questions, concerns, and curiosities.

  • For most people breastfeeding while pregnant is safe. I say for most people because breastfeeding can cause mild contractions. No need to panic though, the mild cramping you may feel is due to oxytocin release and is not strong enough to cause pre-term labor in a healthy pregnancy. If you are someone who has a history of miscarriage it is best practice to consult with your doctor. However, research is inconclusive in regards to causality of miscarriage while breastfeeding, meaning we cannot say that breastfeeding while pregnant causes miscarriage.

  • The quick answer is no. Your unborn baby is unaffected by nursing while pregnant. The oxytocin released that creates mild cramping is not uncomfortable for the baby in your belly and your nursing baby is not affected by any small hormone released in breast milk. In fact, it is very beneficial to your nursing baby. Your milk continues to change composition to meet the needs of your nursing child. Nursing while pregnant also continues a bond with your nursing child while you grow your unborn child. The most important thing during this exchange is making sure you are hydrating and eating properly while ensuring you take your multivitamins. Your unborn baby and your nursing baby will get much of the nutrients they need while leaving you depleted. So always remember to take care of yourself!

  • We discussed how your body will change to meet the demands of your nursing child. Many parents find that around the 4th or 5th month their milk begins to decrease. The basic practice of increasing demand to increase supply do not tend to work during this time. This is due to the hormone progesterone present in high amounts during the second trimester. The milk during this time is more similar to weaning milk, which is why many parents report weaning their kids during this time. Parents also report increased nipple tenderness during this time. During pregnancy milk is high in sodium and protein and low in glucose, lactose, and potassium. Some nursing kids will not like the change in taste, while others are not bothered. As you get closer to delivering your new baby milk may become more like colostrum in appearance and composition.

  • Yes! The body is truly magical. Many people are concerned that their older child will take the milk meant for the new baby. Once you deliver your new baby the body returns to supply and demand. Your biggest concern becomes oversupply as your older child may drive your bodies production. There are a few tips and tricks to remember when tandem nursing (nursing two children at the same time). In the early weeks give your newborn first priority to nursing. Always remember to take care of yourself! If tandem nursing immediately postpartum feels like too much it’s ok to alter your original plan. A lactation consultant is a great place to start to get personalized guidance and expertise

I loved breastfeeding while pregnant but in full transparency when he stopped nursing during my second trimester I was ready! We were concerned that he may wish to begin again once he saw me nursing his little sister. However, he was just very curious. He became my personal cuddle buddy during my nursing sessions and I like to think that they bonded during that time. Whether you are planning to become pregnant while nursing or were completely surprised, rest assured knowing that it is safe and can be a wonderful experience. Until next time!

Krystal Thomas. Lifenlactation. Life and Lactation LLC. Black IBCLC. Lactation Consultant.

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