From One to Two: Embracing the Adventure

Lifenlactation Life and Lactation Krystal Thomas BSN RN IBCLC Lactation consultant Black lactation consultant Baby #2 preparing for new baby Baby arrival siblings


Your family is growing! With the immense joy you feel you may also feel a whirlwind of emotions- joy, excitement, and maybe a touch of trepidation. While welcoming a new baby into the family  is wonderful, let's be honest, transitioning from one little one to two can feel like juggling flamed torches while riding a unicycle on a tight rope. While it's natural to feel overwhelmed, remember, you're not alone. Many parents grapple with the adjustment (I know I did), and that's perfectly okay. This transition is a beautiful journey, and with a little planning and self-compassion, you can navigate it with grace (and maybe a few milk + tear stains along the way).

First things first, acknowledge that this transition is hard. It's okay to feel stretched thin, to miss those quiet moments with your firstborn, or even to cry in the shower (been there!). Exhaustion (and under eye bags) can at times feel like a permanent house guest. Remember, you're human, and adapting to a new family dynamic takes time.

Now, let's equip you with some tools to ease the transition. Here’s 5 Tips for a Smoother Journey:

1. Prepare Your Firstborn

Talk openly to your older child about the new arrival. Use picture books, read stories about welcoming siblings, and involve them in baby preparations. Let them pick out a small gift for the baby and have a gift from the new baby to your older child. Feeling included eases anxieties and fosters excitement. This includes after the new baby is born as well. 

2. Tag Team Tactics

Divide and conquer with your partner, family, or friends. This might mean tag-teaming diaper duty, taking turns for solo walks with the older child, or accepting offers to cook meals or watch the baby while you nap. Don't be afraid to ask for help – it's a sign of strength, not weakness.

3. Embrace the Mess

Lower your expectations. Dishes might pile up, laundry might overflow, and spontaneous outings might become a distant memory. This is temporary! Focus on creating loving moments, not spotless countertops. Remember, messy memories often become the funniest stories later. Sometimes, our mess is their magic! 

4. Quality Time is Key

Carve out special moments with your older child, even if it's just 10 minutes at bedtime to read a book or snuggle close. Make sure they know that time is theirs, no interruptions at all. This reassures them that they haven't been replaced and strengthens your unique bond.

5. Celebrate the Milestones

Amidst the chaos, take time to acknowledge the victories, big and small. Did your toddler share a toy with the baby? Did they help sing a lullaby? Celebrate these moments with big hugs and kind words. They're building blocks of a beautiful sibling relationship. 


Pro Tip: My favorite way to celebrate older children is through language. When playing with your new baby, praise their older sibling just loud enough for your older kiddo to hear. “Oh baby, you have the best big brother in the world. You are so lucky”. Talk about two birds! Your new baby is learning language through sounds and facial expressions and your older child is getting a huge dose of pride!


There is no such thing

as a perfect parent,

so just be a real one

-Sue Atkins

The transition from one child to two is a marathon, not a sprint. Remember progress, not perfection. There will be days when you miss the quiet moments with your firstborn, days when the noise feels overwhelming, and days when you question your sanity (we've all been there!). But remember, you're not alone. Embrace the adventure, cherish the chaos, and know that with each giggle, gurgle, and shared smile, your family is growing stronger, richer, and filled with twice the love.

Every family is unique. This immediate postpartum period is the time to find what works best for you and adjust your approach as your needs change. Don't forget to laugh through this crazy & chaotic time. Laughter is truly the best medicine. Most of all, don't forget about yourself. You matter, PERIOD! You've got this, mama (or papa)!

Now, go forth and conquer that laundry mountain, or don't. Just know, it's all good!


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